Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tourny Army WIP, + Random photos

Coastal Assault Army Group Shot.

New black reach dread conversion, 2 x Twin linked Auto Cannons

Captain and Predator, You can clearly see the Lego I used to fix my sponsons.

Marines so far, I keep telling my self I wont buy more but yeah....

Space Wolves So Far

Bjorn the Fell Handed WIP

The 634th Cadians So Far

Armored Sentinel - Originally Painted Iyander darksun and Gyphone sepia I though it looked to much like a honey soy chicken walker. So bleached bone and delvan mud washes were added

Leman Russ - Iyander Dark Sun, Bleached Bone Wash, Delvan mud wash

IG Test minni. Iyander darksun w/Bleached bone fabric, skull white and fortress grey highlights and dwarf flesh

The Display Bench. Left to right
Guard and Titan, Space Wolves, Red Skulls. And yes it is a door on top of a couple of boxes

My Painting Area. You can see bits boxes in the back, a good lamp, and a box o' paint
Also note the newspaper. I'm a messy painter I find the paper helps preserve the bencha little

My Work Bench, Exactly What it looks like an old door on top of boxes from when I moved in.

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