As most marine players know the strength of a Space Marine army lies in its marines. there are a couple of reasons for this
1. BS 4
2. 3+ Save
3. Ld 9
4. Str4, Ap5, Rapid Fire, bolt guns.
This means that marines can dish out highly accurate fire while surviving enemy fire. This has lead me to embrace attrition warfare.
Attrition Warfare is all about Inflicting more damage on your opponent than you receive. The aim is to cripple the enemy force in first 3 turns of the game so that when you advance on turns 4 and 5 the enemy will be overwhelmed.
In order to achieve this there are 3 things to consider
1. Volume of fire - this is about forcing saves. get enough shots in there air and eventually anything dies.
Units - Razor Backs, Predators, Marines, Grey Hunters
2. Range - making sure you can hit the other guy turn 1. If you can rapid fire something, it can assault you next turn. Keep them at a distance, troops in combat can't shoot and everything falls to pieces.
Units - Thunder Fire Cannon, Whirlwind and Stern Guard. Predators and razor backs are also a good source of cheap auto cannons and Las Cannons
Note on Scout Snipers: Yes they have range. however a little math hammer. 10 Shots, 5 Hits, 2.5 Wounds, 1 cover save passed. The lack the power and accuracy to be good in this role.
3. Power - You want to stop transports ASAP. Keep the enemy infantry from assaulting you. You MUST be able to pop Rhinos, Wave Serpents, Battle Wagons and Land Raiders. No easy task Las Cannons fill a niche here able to pop a land raider from the other side of the table.
Units - Razor Backs, Devestators, Stern Guard, Long Fangs, Predators
Now quick comparison between C:SM and C:SW
HQ - SW have rune priest with Living Lightning, SM have a Chapter Master with a 1 shot obital bombardment
Elites - SM have Stern Guard who have Kraken Rounds that fire 30 inches and have access to cheap heavy weapons. SW can pull wolf guard shenanigans and get 2 cyclone missile launchers for 270 points then assign 6 of the power armored members of the squad to Grey Hunter units.
Troops - SM have heavy weapons and combat squads, Grey hunters are cheaper
Fast attack - Too Similar
Heavy Support - Long fangs can engage multiple tagets and pack more weapons, Devestators have bullet catchers which makes them more survivable. SM also has access to the Thunder Fire which is great except in DoW missions.
Taking this in to account I've made some changes to my LGB list
Space Wolves 1500 Points
Rune Priest
5 x Wolf Guard - all with Power Fist, Bolt Gun
5 Grey Hunters - Melta gun
Razor Back - Twin Linked Las Cannon
5 Grey Hunters - Melta gun
Razor Back - Twin Linked Las Cannon
5 Grey Hunters - Melta gun
Razor Back - Twin Linked Las Cannon
5 Grey Hunters - Melta gun
Razor Back - Twin Linked Las Cannon
5 Grey Hunters - Melta gun
Razor Back - Twin Linked Heavy Bolter, Storm Bolter
9 Grey Hunters - Melta gun
Predator - Auto Cannon, Heavy Bolters, Storm Bolter
Predator - Auto Cannon, Heavy Bolters, Storm Bolter
Predator - Auto Cannon, Heavy Bolters, Storm Bolter