Friday, August 21, 2009

Battle Report VS Drop Marines

I went down to local shop last night to grab some paint ready for the weekend, stayed for a pick up game. MY opponent wanted to test out a 1250 list for MOAB so I added 2 scouts and a missile launcher to my scout sniper list I posted previously.

His List

Librarian - Gate, Smite

2 x Tactical Squad in drop pods
2 x 5 man legion of the damned (Fist, Plasma gun, multi melta and Fist, plasma gun, plasma cannon)
1 Iron clad in drop pod.

Pitched Battle 2 Objectives

I won the roll and let my opponent go first.
All his units start in reserve.

A drop army is similar to the 2 autarch eldar list. You have 2 options when deploying: 1. Castling, 2. Keeping in reserve and hope things hit the board at the right time.

I went for the first option.
Found some ruins in the corner with a clear line of site to my opponents objective, Approx 36 Inches away. This sealed it for me. I deploy a thunder fire cannon in the ruins with my scout snipers, bolstering the defenses of the terrain. I then deployed my 3 dreds and vindicator with their back armor facing the board edge. I keep my close combat scouts and tac marines in reserve. I then place my chaplain and assault marine on the flank closest to the board center for counter assault.

In my head I set holding my objective as the primary objective with taking my opponents as a secondary.


Realizing the amount of focussed fire I can generate my oponent plays it safe and drops his pods near his own objective. I make some minor moves and then open up on my oponent with every thing in range

My lascannon/missile dred fails to penetrate a drop pod, my auto cannon dred does no better. However my thunder fire cannon roles 3 hits at 4 marines a piece scoring 11 wounds on the librarians squad, of which my opponent fails 7.

The iron clad and plasma cannon Legion come down near my deployment. The dred scatters behind a building.
The legions plasma cannon over heats, and thier bolt shots fail to kill a single scout.
I move my assault squad behind my opponents iron clad. I open up on the legion with my scouts, plasma dred, auto cannon dred, thunder fire and vindicator leaving 1 alive, my assult marines fail to hurt the iron clad with shooting. My lascannon dred blows up a drop pod and kills to marines from the previously unhurt squad.
I assault the iron clad and fail to hurt it, 2 marines die.

My opponent assaults my scouts with his remaining power fist sgt for the legion squad, 2 die. 2 more marines are killed by the iron clad.

My tactical squad and scouts come on. I continue to pepper my opponents largest tactical squad killing several. My power fist sgt dies in combat to the iron clad, only the chaplain remains. My Close combat scouts and tac marine pore in to combat with the single legion of damn sgt and kill him.

The next legion of the damed squad lands, if fires on my vindicator hitting with a multi melta but I pass my cover save. My chaplain dies horribly to the iron clad.

I fire on the legion with my plasma dred, tactical marines and vindicator, killing 2, My scouts fail to hurt the iron clad, My remaining units take my oppones troop choices to pieces. In one squad near the centre of the board he has 2 marines and a librarian, the other is down to a multimelta who fails moral and runs nearly off the board.


My tactical squad is then shot by the legion, He does a combined assault to hit both the tactical squad. My opponent then attempted to gate his librarian and tactical squad onto his objective. He rolled 2 ones for dangerous terrain and kills both his own marines. He forgets his dreadnought that is hiding behind the building.

I fire my lascannon and missile at the remaining marine and kill him, My dreds move towards the combat and fire on the libarain.
My Close combat scouts move back to the objective.
The game continues to turn 6.

My opponent moves his iron clad towards the combat, the legion and marines fail to hurt each other in close combat.

I fire my las/missile dred at the iron clad and shake it. The thunder fire and vindicator shoot the librarian, the plasma and auto cannon dreds charge the combat. 2 legion of the damed remain in combat, my scouts are dead by this point along with most of the marines.

The game continues.

His iron clad stops short of the combat the legion surives, all my marines are dead.

I open up on the iron clad with my las/missile dred and the vindicator blowing it up. My dreds fail to kill the remaining legionair.

1 vs 0

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